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Joe Galloway and Lieutenant General Hal Moore wrote the book We Were Soldiers Once…and Young published in 1992.  It was made into a feature film in 2002.

It was a great movie but if Joe Galloway can't get the basic facts right about Command Sergeant Major Plumley how can the rest of the story be verified?

To this day Joe Galloway claims that CSM Plumley jumped 4 times in WWII.  Even with the documentation he denies the truth.  The book and movie We Were Soldiers Once can only be a fictional account.  Galloway like Hanks rides on the coattails of WWII Veterans.  It is a disservice to the men in that book but Galloway only cares about his version of the book, not the reality.  Here is the link to the documentation showing that Corporal Plumley was in the 320th Gli FA Bn not the 505th Prcht Inf during WWII. 

I spoke with CSM Plumley on 7/20/2011 for 7:00 minutes.  CSM Plumley spoke of his time in the 320th Gli FA Bn Btry B.  When asked about his wound he stated "I was wounded on Sept 18, 1944 right after getting out of the glider".  When asked about his 761 MOS he said he was a Scout.  He said that a Scout would search out locations to place the Gun emplacements.  I mentioned about Morning Reports and he was interested in those as well.

Now in 2015 I have the documentation showing that Plumley never jumped out of an airplane in WWII in combat.  That backs up CSM Plumley’s own claim.  The only person who doesn't believe it is Joe Galloway it seems.  That means that Galloway book is Fiction.  Maybe Galloway doesn’t realize what he has done due to his advanced age.  Even then that doesn’t excuse his mistakes.  He has claimed the 4 Jumps in WWII from the start when the book was published in 1992 and the 2002 movie.

Brian N. Siddall
April 30, 2015



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